Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Road Trip to Ft. Smith!

Last week, my best friend from college and I went on a road trip to visit our old stomping ground in Ft. Smith, Arkansas! We had an absolute blast. We played golf, went to dinner and lunch with special friends (including my sweet host mom and dad), sang karaoke, watched the volleyball game and the pom girls, watched the LSU football game, and had slumber parties! It was a much needed get-away and we need to do it way more often. I've definitely missed these girls a ton. Next time we need a week long trip so we can see everybody and spend more time with them. The girls at karaoke.
My road trip partner, Allison!

Christen and me!

When Allison and I first got there we decided it would be fun to play a game of golf. We both brought our clubs because we thought if all the girls were at work or in class when we first got there, golf would be a fun thing to do until they were done.....and yes, it was tons of fun! Probably the funniest game of golf I've ever played. We played a par 3 course and every hole had water involved. As a result, we lost about 10+ balls in the water and we each probably hit about 5 apartment buildings....oops! We didn't keep score because clearly I played TERRIBLE! Oh well, it was still fun!
Allison made par on one hole. This is where her ball landed after the first swing. Her dad, brothers, and boyfriend would be proud so we had to take a picture as proof!

We are definitely going to play golf together again!
Just enjoying the beautiful weather.Nice form, Allie! Me, not so much! The girls at dinner.....it was a little windy!

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