Monday, October 3, 2011

Playing Catch-up!

Since the last time I made an appearance on my blog, there's been a bunch of showers, parties, and events that I want to share with you.

First up, my future sister-in-law/brother's fiance, Ashley's bridal shower. It was a lovely shower and there was great food, friends, family, and gifts!

The bridesmaids and AshleyAshley and MeAshley's mom, Ashley, and my mom Couldn't resist sharing this picture that was on display at the shower. That's Trevor and Ashley at their junior prom. They look like babies!

Next up is Ashley's Bachelorette Party. We stayed at a hotel in OKC and ate food, opened gifts, and then went out to Michael Murphy's Dueling Piano Bar. It was a fun night. I really enjoyed meeting all of Ashley's friends and celebrating her!The picture frame I made for Ashley as part of the decorations

I thought these cups were cute.Ashley and LauraThe bridesmaidsThis was Ashley's reaction after opening a certain gift, but I won't go there because..... "what happens at the Bachelorette Party...stays at the Bachelorette Party"

These sweet ladies from my mom and dad's Sunday school class hosted a nice shower for Ashley! They did a wonderful job with food, decorations, and games.Ashley and the lovely hostessesAshley's mom, me, Ashley, and my mom
The mothers!

Ashley with her mom, grandma, and aunt!

After that we headed to my best friend's house for her "fiesta" engagement party, complete with food, friends, family, the game of washers, and of course, Mexican food! It was a sweet party and I'm glad we were able to be a part of it!

The cute couple!

The apron I got for her so she can learn how to cook :)

cute personalized dish towels

How fun!

Alli and Ryan's Wedding Survival Kit...compliments of Ryan's dad. Such a creative and fun gift idea. There were lots of funny things inside.

Included in the kit was this book. The Idiot's Guide to Being a Groom. Ryan, read up! Ryan and his siblings.

My mom and Alli's mom

Alli and her dad, presh!

Lots and lots of wedding stuff! Now all I have to do is sit back and relax and wait for the wedding weekends to begin....Phew!!

*****IN OTHER EXCITING NEWS, prayers were answered and Aaron found a place to live today! He had quite a bit of trouble finding something that fit his needs and was in his price range. Thankfully he found a place today! He will be very close to work and I think he's really going to like it. He will be moving in tomorrow and will start his new internship Wednesday! YAY!

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