Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Way-Back-Wednesday, Katie Style!

I would like to wish my friend, Katie, a very happy 24th birthday today! In honor of her birthday, I'm dedicating my Way-Back-Wednesday post to her. I'm sure she will be thrilled about all the pictures I'm about to share on the Internet. I've been meaning to do a post like this for a while now because I have a ton of crazy pictures with Katie. I probably have more ridiculous pictures with her than any other friend. I met Katie during my Junior year of high school. She went to school at Moore and I went to North, but we attended the same Cosmetology school. I remember walking in to class on my first day and I didn't know anyone because there was only me and one other girl from North. I sat by myself on the far side of the room and kept quiet like the shy girl that I am (when it comes to being in school and class). Not long after that this little girl named Katie came up to me and asked if she could sit with me. Of course, I gladly accepted and we introduced ourselves and pretty much were inseparable the remaining two years of Cosmetology school. It's so funny to look back at all these pictures and see how much we have (mainly Katie) changed. Apparently Cosmetology school wasn't all business because a lot of these pictures were taken during class while we were doing our hair and make-up and goofing off. Katie and I are currently working together at the same salon and she works at the station right next to me. I LOVE having her there. We reminisce about the good ole days and how much we miss Cosmetology school and all our wonderful friends we made there. Occasionally, we will all have "Cosmo Girls" reunions (cosmetology girls nights), although we don't have them often enough if you ask me. Katie has and always will be a very special friend to me. We always get along great and have tons of fun when we're together and I cherish her friendship greatly! Hope you enjoy the pictures, Katie! Wishing you a happy happy birthday...can't wait to celebrate tonight!
Wannabe Charlie's AngelsI'd like to point out the outfit that Katie has on in this pic. She wouldn't be caught dead wearing that now....and she tells me that I'm the one who wears grandma clothes. Oh how times have changed!My surprise 18th birthday party!We look so young.Rockstar hair!Cosmetology graduationFoilheadI think this was our last day of Cosmetology school, tear ;(State Facial Contest...Katie was my beautiful model!Senior prom. Don't you just love my choice of hairstyle and Katie's choice of eye make-up....cracks me up!Looks like someone was practicing their State Board roller set on my hair!This picture always makes me die laughing. Why so serious, Katie and Dijana? America's Next Top Model pose.Love Katie's face!One of my favs!Hanging out in the facial room. We were supposed to be practicing for the state competition, but clearly we were just goofing off and taking stupid pics. Story of our lives.Cute hair!Not sure what shirt and earrings I'm wearing in this one.Now that looks more like us

Katie's baby shower in April. She is now a wonderful and proud momma to a precious 4 month old baby boy!

Love you Katie Lew and so thankful for your friendship :)

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