Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Weekend Recap!

This past weekend Aaron and I took a road trip to Tahlequah, OK to celebrate the marriage of my cousin Blondell and her husband Kyron. We left Friday night after I got off work and stayed until Sunday night. On the car ride there, we decided to play a little game. I still have all my old CD's from way back when. When I say old, I mean back to the middle school days of N'SYNC and Spice Girls. The game went like this.....we pulled out a CD without looking and we put it in the CD player and we had to listen to 2 songs off each CD. It may sound like a stupid game to you, but it was quite comical to hear the wonderful music selections I used to listen to. There was a lot of crazy dancing, belting out songs, and laughter from the two of us. It made the drive a lot quicker and more fun.

We got to stay with these two in their brand new house! When Aaron was in college he used to be roommates with these two. The last time we saw them was last December at Aaron's college graduation. Since then, they have gotten married and built a brand new home on some gorgeous land. It was so fun to see them and catch up. Their new house is gorgeous and we're very thankful they let us come stay for the weekend.

With my cousin Blondell. We dressed alike and didn't even plan it!

Some of the familyBlondell and Kyron with their mommasBlondell and her momBlondell and her dad Blondell opening up her wedding gift from me and Aaron. I took pictures at their wedding and I made a photo canvas for them as a gift using the DIY canvas tutorial from Pinterest. View the tutorial here. It was super easy!For the sides I just Modge Podged scrapbook paper and then used black paint and a paper towel to blot on the black vignette around the corners and sides.I also made this canvas using an idea I got from Pinterest. It's hard to read and the picture came out bad, but it's all white, not yellow and it reads, "how sweet it is to be loved by you, Blondell & Kyron, October 2, 2011." To make this you just write on a plain white canvas with Elmer's Glue or white puff paint and then you spray paint over it in white.

On our way home from Tahlequah we stopped by Aaron's parents house to spend the afternoon with his family. It had been WAY TOO LONG since I had been there to visit. We ate lunch, played catch outside in the beautiful fall weather, and took a drive out to the lake to see all the trees changing colors.

Aaron playing catch with his brothers.Aaron's youngest brother, Brian Aaron's oldest brother Stephen and their new dog Pee-Wee. She is like a little stuffed animal and has the cutest personality ever. I usually don't like little dogs like her, but I fell in love with her!!

The weekend was so wonderful and I thoroughly enjoyed all the time spent with great friends and family! However, our ride home was not as fun as our ride there because Aaron got a stomach virus right before we left and we had to pull over numerous times! I felt so bad for the poor guy...I've never seen him that sick before, but thankfully it didn't last longer than a day and he is better now!

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