Monday, November 14, 2011

You've Got Mail!

I participated in my first blog swap and boy was it FUN! Technically, the swap isn't over yet, because my partner hasn't received her gift yet. For those of you that don't know what a blog swap is, let me explain. I was paired with another blogger and we had to send each other a package. The package had to include the following things:

1. something homemade

2. something that involved Christmas

3. something from a thrift store/garage sale/etc.

We also had a limit on how much we could spend. I was paired with Meghan @ Shine On. She is one cool gal and I enjoyed finding her blog and getting to know her. You should all go check out her blog! Meghan did an awesome job on all the gifts. I have been looking forward to getting this package for about a week now. There's something so exciting about receiving a package in the mail. I love giving gifts and I'm not opposed to receiving them either. I can't wait for Meghan to get my package. Once I mail it and get confirmation that she's received it, then I'll post about what I got for her. I had so much fun shopping and crafting for her stuff. I will definitely be participating in the next swap and you should to. For information about the next swap you can check out the blog here. Now lets get to the fun part!

This was the "something homemade." How cute is that? She even customized it in my favorite color, yellow! Those of you that know me, know that I have a collection of things with my initial on it. Since it's rare and hard to find, people (mainly my mom) always buy me stuff with Q's on it. I absolutely love it and can't wait to put it up!
This was the "something Christmas." Can't wait to fill it with hot chocolate and take it to work with me on cold winter mornings :)

This was the "something from a thrift store." It was a set of darling, Christmas dish towels. Can't wait to use them while I do Christmas baking!

All my gifts! Didn't Meghan do a great job? The package made my day! I think I could get used to getting packages in the mail more often!


  1. OOOOH, Meghan did a really good job! I signed up for the swap too, but I haven't even started shopping for my partner...

  2. Yay you're so sweet! =) And I am SO glad you love it...I cannot WAIT to get your box in the mail. You're totally right -- this day in age, there is something great about getting a present in the mail. :)

    megs [at] Shine On

  3. Great gifts! And yay for post! I'm really glad you enjoyed the swap x

  4. aww these are fun festive gifts! love them!!
