Tuesday, November 15, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday!

Happy Wednesday friends! I'm linking up with Jamie for What I'm Loving Wednesday!

#1. I'm loving that in three days my brother will be a married man and I will gain an awesome sister! I can't believe the wedding is already here. It seems like it was just yesterday that they got engaged. I'm so excited to see how beautiful Ashley will be as a bride.....and of course I can't wait to see my brother's face when she walks down the aisle (my favorite part of weddings.) I get pretty emotional at weddings. I could go to some one's wedding that I barely even know and I'd probably cry. I'm hoping that I can contain my emotions and not be a big ball baby as I'm standing up there with them. I'm super excited for all of our family and friends to be together in one place. It's going to be tons of fun. I have the next 5 days off of work so the fun begins tomorrow! EEEEKKK SO HAPPY!

My brother and soon to be sister-in-law!

#2. The day after my brother's wedding, I will be attending the wedding of these two lovelies! Can't wait to see Brandi & Lance and celebrate the two of them. It will be a fun reunion to have all of our high school friends together at once!

Brandi & Lance

#3. I loved having the privilege of taking some maternity pictures for my friend from work. They are expecting a baby girl at the end of Jan/beginning of Feb. I'm also excited about a few other upcoming photography sessions I've scheduled. I love any chance I can get to practice taking pictures!

#4. I'm loving this hunky hunter and the fact that I FINALLY agreed to go hunting with him the day before Thanksgiving! Not really sure what I'm getting myself into. Might end in me crying because he shot Bambi, but let's hope I can stay warm and entertained the whole time. I'm also excited about spending Thanksgiving with Aaron and his family. Since my family will all be in town for the wedding this weekend, we will celebrate Thanksgiving with them on Sunday. This will be the first time Aaron and I get to spend Thanksgiving together. Isn't it crazy that we've been dating for 5 years, but the only time we've ever spent a holiday together was Easter one year? Since we lived away from our families in college, we agreed that it'd be best to go our separate ways and hang out with our own families on the holidays and when we get married we will worry about splitting the time between our families. I'm really excited about helping his mom prepare the meal...maybe I can learn a few things from her :)

Aaron in deep concentration

#5. I'm loving this precious pup! I was playing with the settings on my camera the other day and used my dog, Samson, as my subject. He pretty much hated every minute of it, but he sure is cute.

Hope you all have a fabulous Wednesday! Pictures from the wedding festivities will be coming soon!

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