Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Down in the Back Woods!

This past weekend was wonderful. Mainly because I spent the entire weekend with Aaron. Friday night, we went to dinner and rented The Hangover II. Saturday, we met his good friend from high school at Wormy Dog Saloon for the Cody Canada and The Departed concert. Sunday, I had the day off so we went with my mom to a home and garden show at the fairgrounds. Aaron is such a trooper to willingly go to things like that with me. I think he actually ended up enjoying it. Afterwards, we took him out to my Aunt Sunny's house. He had never been there before and I knew he would love it. It's right up his alley....lots of land, ponds, four wheelers, animals...the country way of life. I love hanging out at my Aunt Sunny's house. It's a nice change of scenery and it's always fun hanging out in the country. We took my dog, Samson with us because we knew he would enjoy running free and swimming in the ponds. He absolutely LOVED it! He left a different shade of golden, more like red Oklahoma dirt stained. He was completely worn out. Here are a few videos of our fun day in the country:

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