Wednesday, February 1, 2012

What I'm Loving Wednesday!

Happy February 1st everyone!

Today I'm linking up with Jamie for What I'm Loving Wednesday!

February is a month surrounded by love and there's a lot for me to love about this month....tons of exciting, fun things going on!

#1. Tomorrow, Aaron and I will be attending the Jason Aldean & Luke Bryan concert. That was my Christmas present from him and I'm sooo excited!

how adorable is Luke Bryan??

#2. Next Thursday, Aaron and I will be attending the George Strait & Martina McBride concert. That was my Christmas present for him. We decided this year to buy each other concert tickets because that's one thing we love doing together and we really didn't need anything else.

hello George, you sure are easy on the eyes for a man your age.

#3. This Friday, I'll be attending the WADE BOWEN concert with my best friend and my brother and his wife. If you know me at all, you know that I have a huge obsession with WADE BOWEN! I am SOSOSOSOSOSO excited.

This is by far my favorite Wade Bowen song. The words are so sweet. If you ever see him in concert, you will realize that he has a great voice and he's extremely cute when he sings and plays the guitar. Aaron gets annoyed with my obsession with Wade. Anytime his song is on the radio, all talking must cease until the song is over.

#4. I'm excited to spend Valentine's Day with Aaron. We don't usually go all out or do anything big for Valentine's Day...usually just go to dinner and a movie. This year I'm hoping we will go see The Vow!!!

Here is a picture from my first Valentine's Day with Aaron.....over five years ago. We look like little babies. I found this on Pinterest.....haha.

#5. Next weekend I will be making a road trip to my old stomping grounds to celebrate this crazy girl's 24th birthday! So excited to see all my favorites whom I've missed so dearly!#6. My best friend and I just booked our flight to Seattle to visit our best friend, Marcus! We are super excited. We will be there for a week in March and will spend St. Patty's day there. I've never been there before and I can't wait to explore the city while Marcus is at work and spend the evenings hanging out with him and his friends!! YAYYY!!! This is how excited we are...... see this guy!

Hope you guys enjoy this beautiful day! Today's my day off and the weather is absolutely gorgeous so I'm gonna go take advantage of it.

1 comment:

  1. My boyfriend is going to the George Strait concert on Friday!

    I love that Pinterest picture! I definitely wouldn't question it either!
