Sunday, April 29, 2012

OKC Half Marathon!

We did it! We finished the OKC Half Marathon in 2:18:28. The weather was PERFECT and we survived without any injuries. A much more pleasant experience than last year. I think I'll stick to half marathons from here on out. My knees and calves are a little sore, but nothing I can't stand. I'm excited to continue working out and running right after the race. Last year I couldn't run another mile for about 3 months. It was pretty depressing. I'm going to stay on top of things this year and stay in shape. Here are a few pictures from the day.
 Before the race.....still half asleep
 After the race
 We ran into my best friend, Alli. Didn't even know she was running it. Apparently she didn't either until last night. She's a beast like that and can do these things on any given day when I have to train for months. Not fair. Way to go, Alli!

Thanks to my mom, dad, Aunt Jan, Mary, and John for coming out and cheering us on!

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