Thursday, May 3, 2012

Valerie & Josh's Engagement Pics!

I had the privilege of taking engagement pictures for this sweet couple. Aaron (my boyfriend) and Josh (the groom) are really good friends. Aaron is a groomsman in the wedding and I'll be taking their wedding pictures. I was really excited when Josh and Valerie asked me to take their engagement and wedding pictures, but super nervous at the same time. You see, Josh is a photographer and that's what he went to school for. I, on the other hand, am just a beginner and have no schooling in photography. Thankfully, I'm very pleased with the way they turned out. Valerie is extremely photogenic and made it easy on me. Josh was also a trooper and stepped in with ideas whenever he had them. It was the perfect day for pictures, minus the heat. We took them at Woodwark Park in Tulsa. I'm still working on editing, but I wanted to share a few of my favorites that I've already edited. Thanks again Josh and Valerie for trusting me to take your pictures. I'm so excited for the wedding!! I'll be getting your disc to you soon!

1 comment:

  1. Good job, Quincee! Nice framing, lighting, and most of all, taking the time to set up each shot. So many engagement photos look like snapshots- these are great. Cathy Bowles
