Wednesday, May 9, 2012

What I'm Loving Wednesday!

Happy Wednesday everyone!!

I'm linking up with Jamie for What I'm Loving Wednesday

1. I'm loving that this is a very short week for me at work. Today and tomorrow are my days off, I'll work Friday, and then I have Saturday off for my brother's graduation and then this Sunday is my Sunday off.
 I'm so proud of my brother! He will be graduating Saturday with his MBA. He has worked super hard for this, balancing school and a full-time job for the last two years. The picture above is from his first college graduation back in 2008. I'm excited to see our family that will be in town for his graduation party! I'm also loving that Sunday is Mother's Day. I can't wait to give my mom her gift. I think she is going to LOVE it. I'll share it on the blog once she gets it.

2. I'm loving the gift my friend, Sabrina gave me for my birthday. She made a set of coasters with pictures on them. They turned out really cute and I was so surprised!

3. I'm loving my latest thrift store find......a bar cart! I've been on the lookout for one of these for so long. I've seen a bunch of different ones, but I couldn't ever find one under $50. I thought that was pretty high for a piece like this. I found this one at a new vintage furniture store in Norman. It was $20. I have plans to paint the gold metal a bright, fun color and add something cute on the trays. Can't wait to use this in a dining room for parties and such.
These Pinterest images made me want a bar cart!

4. I'm loving the beautiful weather we've had this week. Perfect weather for running outside and relaxing in the hammock afterwards. Puts me in a great mood!

Hope you have a fabulous Wednesday!

1 comment:

  1. The weather's been perfect here too, lately! Even the rainy day today hasn't been bad! I'm excited to lay by the pool tomorrow.
