Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Trevor's Graduation!

On Saturday, my brother graduated with his MBA from the University of Oklahoma. He decided to participate in the commencement ceremony so we watched him walk across the stage and then we had a party at our house with family and friends. It was great to spend time with everyone! Here are some pics from the day.
 The card my grandpa made for Trevor. He sewed on the money to spell out MBA....he is a clever 86 year old.
 My family
 Trevor and his beautiful wife, Ashley
 We love our cousins, Steph & Colby
 Father and son
 Mother and son
 Trevor, Parker, and Zach....they're so cute.
 Trevor, Libby, and Ethan..they're cute too!
 Love me some Libberloulah!
 Just hanging out
 and eating cake
Every time Zach comes over, the first thing he gets is his cowboy hat and guns. He loves's too funny!
 Trevor and Aunt Jan
 Trevor and his best friend, Patrick

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