Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Mother's Day

Thankfully, I had this Sunday off from work so I was able to spend the entire day with my mom. We woke up and had breakfast on the back porch with Pete & Blondell. Then, we met up with Ashley's family at the park for lunch and headed to the zoo. Ashley's family invited us to spend the day with them so that Trevor and Ashley could spend Mother's Day with both of their moms. We had a great time with them!

So blessed to have you as my mom. I love you!

The whole gang
Thought this was funny
The sweet baby elephant

For Mother's Day, I made my mom a photo book from Shutterfly. I put pictures of her with us kids, family pics, and pics of us when we were little. I also wrote "mother" quotes and reasons why we love her. I think she really liked it. Of course, it made her cry, but that's not very hard to do. Here are a few pics of her opening it.

I hope everyone had a great Mother's Day!


  1. love you guys!!!
    so much fun!!!

  2. It sounds like you guys had a great time! Steph

  3. Your photobook turned out so cute! That's a great idea for a Mother's Day gift. I know it'd make my mom cry too.
