Thursday, May 24, 2012

What I'm Loving Thursday....

Oops, I didn't get around to blogging yesterday so I'm doing my own rendition of What I'm Loving Thursday.

#1. I'm loving how amazing the OKC Thunder Basketball team is doing. It's been fun to watch all the playoff games and cheer on a professional team that's VERY close to home. Aaron and I got to go to a game before the playoffs. It was his first game and he loved it. We both wondered why we haven't been to more games this year.
For work, we can wear a Thunder shirt everyday until they WIN the championship...we won't discuss the other option because it's not going to happen. I only own one Thunder shirt so I had to add a few more to my wardrobe so I could wear jeans and a t-shirt to work (I'm all about comfy clothes). All the cute shirts I found were well over $30 and I didn't want to pay that much. Instead, I realized I haven't done many crafts lately so I decided to make my own for way cheaper. They aren't the cutest things ever, but they will definitely work!
 Please excuse my horrible attempt at tie dying..that's supposed to be blue and orange, not blue, orange and brown.

 #2. I'm loving  my latest DIY project. I finally decided to tackle this chair. I bought it my junior year of college at a garage sale for $10. It swivels and rocks and it's pretty comfy. I liked the shape and thought it would be a great chair to reupholster....that is until I found out it would cost $250+ to do. No thanks! I did some research and I found a blog post about painting an upholstered chair. Call me crazy, but I had to try it. My mom thought I was nuts. If it fails, at least it only cost me a bucket of paint and some  textile medium. Supposedly, the chair will be a little bit stiffer than normal, but it won't rub off and it is washable.
 Here is the chair before. It had quite a few stains on it. Don't worry, I cleaned it before I painted.
 This is after two coats of paint. It looks like I painted it white, but it's actually a mint green color.
 This pic shows it a little more true to color, but still doesn't show the exact color. I'm going to do one more coat and then i'll post a tutorial and show the finished product.
This is the actual color swatch. It's Valspar's Belle Grove Aloe

I picked the color to match this fabric. I originally bought this fabric to recover the chair. Now I'm just going to use it to make a pillow and eventually use it for curtains too. I think the color matches the fabric pretty well.

#3. I'm loving that I get to see this gorgeous girl this Sunday to celebrate her 1st birthday! Isn't she a doll? Prettiest baby I've ever seen. Can't wait to have Sunday off and spend it with my cousins that are visiting from Virginia. It's been way too long since I've seen this sweet girl and her parents.

photo source:

*Lastly, I need a favor. I would greatly appreciate it if you could all say a prayer for Aaron. He is still in the process of finding a full time job. He had an interview last week for a job that would be ideal for him. Please pray that if it's where God wants him that they will hire him. It would be SO fabulous, thanks!

Have a fun and safe Memorial weekend!

1 comment:

  1. did you have to let the paint dry completely in between coats? how long did that take?

    have fun with the Chris & Marcy Polson family. give BIG HUGS & KISSES from Rusty & I!!!
