Sunday, July 8, 2012

Got Roots?

I just got home from the first annual family reunion with my dad's side of the family and it was a success! We weren't able to get together this year for Christmas so we decided to do Christmas in July at Roman Nose State Park in Watonga, OK. You would think, "What is there to do in Watonga, OK?" but trust me, we didn't run out of fun activities. I am exhausted from a fun filled weekend.

-We went horseback riding through the canyons. It was Aaron's first time to ride a horse....who would've thought, right? He looked like a natural and he said he LOVED it.

- We swam in the pool

- We had a cookout......complete with a Christmas tree, dirty Santa gifts, hot dogs, s'mores, a talent show, a park, and springs.

-We had a scrambles golf tournament and I'm proud to say the team I was on won.....we finished 8 under. Note to self: I should golf more often with four competitive boys because the pressure was on and I was determined not to be the reason they lost. It was by far the best game of golf I've ever played and I'm super proud to say I got an EAGLE on one hole. It was by far the luckiest thing that has ever happened to me, but it felt pretty darn awesome. My teammates were so patient with me and they "coached" me up well. Nice work team!
 Team #1
 The Winning Team
 The Senior Citizen Team
We had to get proof of my Eagle because I knew they wouldn't believe it.

-We competed in a miniature golf tournament and paddle boat races.

 Kinley got a hole in one!
Colby was the winner out of our family and had to play in an intense two round tie breaker with a guy from another family.
 The paddle boat winners from our family....Team Sea Rascals
 Zach was not happy about being a part of the green boat team.....we were wimpy girls and couldn't keep up with the rest, haha.

For the record, don't ever compete in paddle boat is the best leg workout of your life and you will be in excruciating pain the entire time. I'm sure it was quite comical to watch.

-We surprised our Me-Ma with family reunion t-shirts that had a family tree legacy on the back. She loved the shirts and got a little teary eyed when she first saw them. The Great-Grandkids read the legacy to sweet.

The whole family
 Team Gary
 Team Bruce
Team Rex

I'm so blessed with such a wonderful family and I'm thankful for all the fun memories we made this weekend. A special thanks to my mom and Aunt Debra for all their hard work organizing and planning the reunion. I'm so glad we were all able to get together and I'm already looking forward to next year!

*If you made it to the end of this post, thanks for following along and reading...I know it was a long, picture heavy post!


  1. Love it!! Such a great weekend!! Thanks for taking all the pics!! Steph

  2. long, picture heavy posts are the best!!!
