Wednesday, August 1, 2012

It's Been a While...

.....since my last blog post. About three weeks to be exact. Sorry for the absence, but I haven't had a lot of super cool things to blog about lately so I took a short break. I still don't have a whole lot to share, but here's a little post to fill you in on what I've been up to.

1. Still waiting patiently for Aaron's federal background check to come back. Once it is completed we will make a trip to AR to find a rent house for him. I'm so anxious to go see the town and look at houses. I'm trying really hard to practice patience.....after all I keep reminding myself that the sooner it clears, the sooner he moves 7 hours away. Instead, I'll enjoy every last moment I get to spend with him here in OK.

2. I started the Advocare 24 Day Challenge about a week ago. I'm on day 9 and sticking to it almost exactly. Not sure if I've lost any weight or inches, but I feel so much better. My energy level is higher and I've been working out 4-5 times a week. I'll post results after the 24 days and maybe if I'm brave, I'll post a before and after picture (not likely though). This challenge has taken up a lot of my time because I have to grocery shop, plan and cook weekly meals, and find time to squeeze in 6 meals a day (that's a hard task for a hairstylist because we rarely ever have time during work to sit down and eat slowly).

3. Business has picked up again in the onesie making department. There for a while the orders slowed down and it was nice to have some free time on my days off. I'm glad they've picked back up. There must be something in the water because I know SO many people right now who are expecting and I'm so excited to make sweet little outfits for their little ones.
I made this onesie for my sweet friend and college roommate, Caitlin. She is a Delta Gamma girl so I thought it was fitting to send her an "anchor" care package for her and baby C. Can't wait to meet the nugget!

Aaron's good friend and his wife just had their little girl last week. We are so excited for them and she is absolutely precious. This was one of the onesies I made for their little girl, Aly. Congrats Clancey and Traci, can't wait to meet her!

4. I'm still garage selling like a mad woman every Thursday morning. I'm so addicted and hooked. I have got to STOP. Here are some of my latest finds:
 wrought iron vanity- $35
I found this at a marketplace in OKC called Funky Trunk. If you haven't been there before, check it out. They have tons of cute booths!
Toy box full of toys- $10
I will be painting this and using it for a certain something/someone. Look for a post about it in the future :)

This was my favorite purchase. I'm in love with this end table and it will remain exactly AS IS. I got the table, floor lamp, and storage bins all for $26.
I'll be painting or recovering the lamp shade.
 These bins will be used for organization purposes in a closet/craft area.
 This box was $3. The painting is rather odd, but I loved the shape of it and I saw potential in it. Not sure yet what I'll do with it, but it hangs on the wall and I'm sure I'll put it to good use.
The inside of the box.

That's all I've got for now, friends. Hope you guys have a great week. Hopefully it won't be another month before I post again!

1 comment:

  1. nice pics Quinc!!!!
    can't wait to see what you do with
    the last box...
    ....I can imagine it as a medicine/make-up
    cabinet....mirrors on the inside of the doors
    so you could see the back of your hair???
