Monday, August 6, 2012

I'm So Excited!!

This weekend was great!
-Spent Friday night just relaxing/having girl time with some great girlfriends.
-Aaron came into town Saturday night. We relaxed and watched the Olympics.
-Sunday Aaron and I spent the day on Lake Arcadia with my cousin and her family. It was a lot of fun. We skied, tubed, and swam. It was the perfect lake weather! Thanks for having us, Steph & Colby.
-Sunday afternoon Aaron and I went through all my furniture in the garage and made a list of everything Aaron will be taking with him when he moves. We also measured each big piece of furniture so he knows what kind of space he will be needing.
-Sunday evening my brother and his wife came over and we had a lovely family dinner.

All in all, it was a great, relaxing weekend. I was in desperate need of one after all the mass chaos at work. The free kids haircuts during the month of August is wearing me slick. I am exhausted every day and my feet kill me. I have enjoyed hanging out with the kids though. I wish I would have brought a book to write down every funny thing those kids say. Some of them are HILARIOUS! Keeps us entertained and on our toes.

Tomorrow night after work I will be heading to Aaron's house. We are leaving early Wednesday morning to go house hunting in Arkansas!!! Excited is an understatement. I can't wait to see the town and find a place for Aaron to live. He plans to find a place this week and move next Wed & Thurs. AHHHHHHHH!!! It's finally happening. So happy and sad at the same time! Praying/keeping our fingers crossed for cool weather next week.

I'm sure I will take plenty of pictures while in Arkansas and I'll post an update with pictures of the house we hopefully find. EEKKK!!!

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