Sunday, October 21, 2012

Psalm 127:3

"Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward." Psalm 127:3

If you don't know me, there's one thing you'll learn from this post. I HAVE A BIG FAMILY......and both sides of my family are packed full of children. Precious children. See for yourself:

There are 17 of them total and ALL 17 of them have been invited to be a part of our wedding. It was way too hard to pick a flower girl and a ring bearer out of all 17 of them because I love them all equally and I wanted to make sure each one felt included. Therefore, we won't be having a flower girl or a ring bearer, but instead, an angel bell choir. Call me crazy, but I think it will be the sweetest, most precious, entertaining (hopefully not chaotic) thing ever! I am so excited about it. They will walk down the aisle ringing real bells before I come out. Obviously, we will take the bells away from them and they will sit with their parents during the wedding and then be the last of the wedding party to exit the church. I made it a point to tell our videographer to get this on tape because I won't be able to see all their cuteness in action, but I can't wait to see it in our video.

For the most part, I think most of the kiddos are excited about being in the wedding. They range in age from 9ish to 2 (the youngest will turn 2 the month of the wedding). The older boys might not be as excited to be in it as the others....they might be a little too "old" or "cool" to be in the kiddie choir, but hopefully they will enjoy it in the end :)

I wanted to send the kids a little something in the mail, asking them to be in the wedding. I always get excited about getting mail so I thought it would be more fun for them than just a phone call. Here's what my mom and I came up with to ask them:

I can't take credit for the poem. My mom and I thought long and hard, trying to come up with a cute poem, but we had no luck. We thought, "surely we can google it". My mom looked it up and e-mailed the poem to me one day and I absolutely loved it. Obviously, we changed the wording a bit because this poem was made for asking a flower girl.

It was so fun getting all the responses. I got adorable voice messages from some of the kids, hand written letters in the mail, Facebook messages, e-mails, texts, etc. It made me so happy to hear that they were excited about it.
One of my cousins said her son needed to practice his penmanship so he wrote me a letter and practiced his handwriting and envelope addressing skills. It reads, "Dear Quincee, thank you for inviting us to your wedding. Yes, I want to be in the choir. Parker & Zach"
 I'm glad our idea could double as a homework assignment!!!

Love having so many precious children in the family and I'm so excited for them to have a part in our wedding. I know I was always excited when I got asked to be in my older cousin's weddings.