Monday, October 15, 2012

What I'm Loving Monday....

#1. For starters, I'm loving that I have today off. My work schedule has changed and I'll now be working Wednesday's instead of Monday's.
#2. I love that Allie E. is becoming Crafty Cathy.....who would have thought? When we were roommates in college we used to have craft nights so she could practice her skills. I was so impressed with this engagement gift she did and I absolutely LOVE it! Thank you, Allison!
 "May your love grow stronger, happier, and more wonderful with each passing year, like a seed."
 "May everyday of your engagement be a beautiful page of the story you will write through the years." -she even included our wedding color: mint green
 "When life gets tough remember to 'roll' with the punches."
 "Remember to always give hugs and kisses to one another every day, even if it's been a stressful one."
"You all 'chews' each other for life."
 "To celebrate your very special day."
 "Because you were 'mint' to be together." -again incorporating the mint
 "A little sugar to give you 'bursts' of energy to finish planning the big day."
 ''To remind you that every day can start with a clean slate."
 "To remind you to be flexible in your planning...even if it's Aaron wanting camo at the wedding." -she knows us all too well.
"May the two of you be more in love with each passing day... & count down the days until 6-29-13."
#3. I love Dove's Dry Shampoo. It's very unusual that I will recommend a hair product that is not in a professional line, but I love this stuff. It smells good, works good, gives extra body, and keeps the grease and oil also doesn't leave white residue in dark hair (according to a friend I work with). The best part about's only $4 and some change. Go get some. I can go 3 days without washing my baby fine hair with this stuff.
#4. I love my new jewelry organizer. A local craft market place was having a tent sale and the booth owners were getting rid of their display pieces. One lady was selling this thing for $3. I knew it had great potential to be the best jewelry stand ever and it is! Makes it so much easier to find what I'm looking for in the mornings.
 There's even a spot for my necklaces to hang. I just attached them from the top with paper clips.
 I organized my rings by silver or gold.
 I color coordinated my earrings.

And color coordinated my bracelets/bangles.
#5. I love getting free stuff in the mail....especially stuff from Tiny Prints aka Treat. I got an email from them about their 10 free note cards. Periodically, they will have this promotion and I always take advantage of it. You can never have too many thank you cards, right? I love them!
 The front of my free cards.
The back
#6. I love that wedding planning is coming along smoothly. In the last week, I've met with a florist, booked a videographer, and found someone to do my cake and Aaron's. I feel such a huge relief getting some of those big things marked off my to-do list. Now I'm working on making decorations and such.
#7. I love that I get to see this girl on Thursday. She will be visiting from Nashville!! Can't wait to hang out and catch's been way too long!
#8. I love that in two weeks Aaron will be here for our engagement pictures!!!!! I think I'm more excited about taking engagement pictures than anything else. Praying that the weather remains beautiful and that the leaves are bright and colorful. It's been almost a month since the last time I saw Aaron and I'm counting down the days!!
Have a Happy Monday!!

1 comment:

  1. That was such a cute engagement excited for all of your new things! Steph
