Thursday, November 15, 2012

Saw It, Pinned It, Did It- #4

I'm linking up with Katie & Stephanie for Saw It, Pinned It, Did It.
I was afraid I wasn't going to participate this week because I haven't done any new projects lately, but then I remembered I've done about a million pinterest projects in the past and I can always post about those. I apologize if you've seen this on my blog before. Next week I promise to have something new!

Here was my Pinspiration:
And here is my version:

Can you tell I have an obsession with cake stands? I originally made my first one to give as a birthday gift, but I loved it so much I had to make some for myself and since then I've had trouble parting with them. I use them pretty often at my house for dinner parties, showers, and anytime we need to display food. They are various shapes and sizes and they work great.
I haven't spent more than $10 on a single one of them. I usually buy the plates at Target or TJMaxx for less than $3. Some are plastic plates and some are glass. I prefer the plastic over glass so they won't break. I buy the candlesticks at local antique/thrift stores, or I buy the clear glass ones at Dollar Tree. Some of them I spray painted and some of them I left in their original form. I use a glue called E-6000 and I usually buy it from Hobby Lobby. It is industrial strength and can be used on ceramics. I didn't have any problems with the glue not working properly until I made a few cake stands this summer. We put them in the car in 100+ degree heat and the glue loosened up and didn't stick...eek.
Everytime I go to Target or TJMaxx I always look at their plates. If they have any cute ones, I usually always buy them, just in case. As I was unloading my boxes at my fiance's house a few weeks ago, I discovered my plate and candle stick is out of control. I have a ridiculous amount. Looks like I'll be selling cake stands at a craft fair in Arkansas soon :)


  1. Wow you did all those?! Geez! come to mi casa ;) I love them!!

    Thanks for linking up!

  2. OMG these are PRECIOUS!!! I don't own a single cake stand (probably because I NEVER bake) but this totally makes me want to learn how to bake just so I can have these in my house!! I love the red paisley one! :)

    Thanks so much for linking up with us this week!! xoxo

  3. I love these! Question for did you get the paint to look so even? I tried making these one time and the spray paint dripped down the candlestick and dried in patches!
