Monday, November 19, 2012

These Pictures Tell a Story...And Thankfully It's a Happy Ending!

I took some maternity pictures for my friends yesterday before work. I've known Lance since we were in Elementary school and I met Brandi a few years ago when they first started dating. They got married last fall, the day after my brother to be exact and are now expecting their first bundle of joy.

Anyway, we found this really pretty spot to take pictures at. It's a little park in town with beautiful trees and lots of pretty fallen leaves. We stopped there to take a few pictures and then we were moving on to our next location. After seeing all the leaves on the ground, we got this brilliant idea. Lance was going to throw the leaves up in the air while Brandi posed for a picture so it looked like the leaves were blowing off the trees in the wind (and yes, it was super windy yesterday). Before I tell you the rest of the story, take a look at this picture. I want you to notice Lance's wedding ring. It is on his finger, but it's in the middle of his knuckle.
After this picture, Lance grabs a hand full of leaves and tosses them in the air. He does this two times, throwing them from two different spots, in two different directions.
This picture is the result.
This picture below was taken afterwards. Now look at Lance's finger...something is missing.
Yup you guessed it. His ring went flying when he threw the leaves. Luckily he noticed it immediately. That began our impossible search for the hidden wedding ring in all the leaves. Our search lasted around 30-45 mins with no such luck. I felt so bad for him....he was so upset and you could tell it was going to ruin his day. Poor guy. Brandi was totally calm, squatting down, pregnant belly and all and looking for the ring. Had I been that pregnant and my husband lost his wedding ring, I would have been the girl sitting on the park bench crying over spilt milk, haha. We decided to continue on with the rest of our pictures. Based on the pictures, you would have never known Lance was upset and worried. They went back after we were finished with a rake and after about 20 minutes Brandi found it! Hallelujah. They sent me a pic at work of where they found the ring and the huge pile of leaves they raked up to find it. Too bad I have a dinosaur phone and I couldn't view it. So glad they found it...whew!
Leaves-0 Us-1
Thankfully, it was all worth it because we got some really cute pictures and a fun story to tell :)
Here are some of my favorites from the day:







 They are waiting to find out the gender. I was so tempted to open up that envelope and sneak a peek.
And just for kicks, here's a picture of them over a year ago from their engagement pictures that I took:
Congrats Brandi & Lance! Can't wait to meet the lil beeb!

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