Tuesday, February 19, 2013

My Weekend With Aaron!

Besides my 8 1/2 hour drive (it was supposed to only take 7 hrs) to see Aaron, our weekend together was PERFECT! Exactly what we both needed.
I was able to get off work two hours early so I could get a head start on my drive. I was supposed to leave work at 7pm and arrive in Arkansas at 2am. Instead, I left work at 5pm and got there at 1:30am (my last two appointments cancelled last minute). Not much of a head start. I ran into construction just outside of Tulsa and crept along like a snail for about an hour. Then, I missed my exit in Springfield and went about 40 miles out of the way before I realized I was completely lost. I bought the Nicholas Sparks' book Safe Haven on CD so I could listen to it on the way to keep me awake. I was so into it that I missed my exit. Mass panic attack ensued afterwards on the phone with Aaron. He was a little freaked out and I was furious with myself and so exhausted....but I made it and the rest of the weekend was perfect!
I am proud to say that I brought my Jillian Michael's 30 day shred workout DVD and we both did it together all three days. Aaron learned just how good of a workout it is. He was drenched in sweat afterwards and very sore the next three days. After working out his hair was soaking wet and he ran his fingers through his hair. He turned and looked at me and I about lost it.
 Hello Ace Ventura, Pet Detective. I think I'll just call him Ace from here on out. He regretted letting me take the picture after I sent it to a few people. I warned him it was blog worthy and I'm sure he will kill me for sharing it. I thought it was too funny not to post. Needless to say, he got a haircut shortly after this.
Saturday night we drove to Jonesboro, AR and had dinner at Olive Garden, did a little shopping, and then went to see Safe Haven. We both thought the movie was good and would recommend it.
Before heading out to dinner
Sunday we went to the First Baptist Church in town and really enjoyed it. We think it might be a good fit for us. I still want to visit a few other churches before deciding, but I definitely think we will be going back there.
Sunday afternoon we took a drive and explored the area. We also went to a national park site thing and took a short hike. The weather was beautiful!
Afterwards, he took me to meet his work buddy and his wife and we hung out with them while they fished on the river. They were super sweet and cool. They are a young couple who are fairly new at the whole married thing. We had dinner at a local Mexican restaurant with them and then they came over to Aaron's house and we watched Taken 2. It was a fun double date night and I look forward to hanging out with them more in the future.
Monday we had a nice breakfast at a restaurant on the river. Then, we both found a few treasures at a local antique shop. We spent the rest of the day enjoying another movie indoors while it stormed outside. After the movie, I packed up my things and headed back home.
I did take another load of my junk to his house. The car was packed pretty tight and we made some progress on the house. I am proud to say all my boxes have been moved (not including stuff I'm using at my house right now) and all but two of those boxes are unloaded. It was like Christmas again unloading all the boxes. I totally forgot about everything I had. Some of the stuff I haven't seen since college.
 The trunk all loaded up
And the back seat
Here are a few pics of our progress in the kitchen/dining room.
 The dining room. His friend already made fun of our "eat" sign. I happen to LOVE it. The guys just think it's dumb.
 Aaron hated the silverware idea and refused to put it up, but now he actually likes it and it has really started to grow on him.
The "be grateful", "spoon full of sugar", and "roll with it" signs that I printed off of Pinterest for free. I think they're so fun.
The silverware starburst mirror I made.
Aaron got a deep freeze from his parents for Christmas this year. We had the perfect little opening for it in the kitchen. I'm thankful that he has a separate place to store his wild meat. I put my chalkboard on the top of it to give it a little more style and Aaron said that wasn't going to work because he would have to move it all the time. I told him he could do whatever he wanted with it when I left. I also asked him what he wanted the chalkboard to say.
This was his response. No lie, he woke up the next day and erased the 61 and put 60. Excited is an understatement! He is too funny :)
 Of course, I had to put our shutter bulletin board up in the kitchen to display all our favorite stinkin' cute friend's kids and their cards they send us. Keep them coming friends. I love looking at them everyday. It makes me smile!
 These are our new kitchen towels my mom bought for Aaron. I was so proud that he had them up and was using them when I got there.
And this is the other kitchen towel. CUTE!
 Lastly, Aaron has his "new boat fund" piggy bank sitting on the dresser in his room. One of the treasures I found that I totally forgot I had was my "salon money" piggy bank. I thought this was the perfect home for it. We really do need to start saving for those things :)

Aaron will be in his hometown in 3 short days and I'm going up there to watch him try on his wedding tux/suit. Can't wait to see him again soon!

1 comment:

  1. couldn't you hang the chalk board on the wall behind the freezer?
    SO cool you already have a couple to hang-out with!!!
    hopefully there will be fun couples at the church you decide on too!!!
    will you be doing your own hair and make-up for your wedding???
