Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Saw It, Pinned It, Did It- #14

Hooray for Thursday....that means it's time for another round of SPD with the fabulous hostesses Katie & Stephanie.

For those of you that don't know, I have a small side business of making onesies for the most precious little children. I get really busy when all my friends start having babies or know friends that are having babies. Business comes and goes in spurts, but it seems like everyone comes to me with requests all at once. Right now is one of those times. I feel like all I have been doing on my days off are making onesies....and that's fine by me. Since that's all I've had time for, I wasn't able to make anything else for this week's Saw It, Pinned It, Did It.

A little girl was in the salon last week with a homemade OU onesie on. It was so cute because on the baby's bottom was an upside down "hook em horns". I loved it and knew I had to re-create the look. So technically, I did not get this idea from Pinterest, but it still counts right because I created something?

Here is my version:
To all you Texas fans: sorry I'm not sorry if this offends you.
I also made this little outfit for the same little girl.
I also decided to step out of my comfort zone and do a Pinterest inspired outfit. Let me just say, I am no style guru by any means.....I am a complete failure when it comes to fashion and style. I normally get made fun of by my friends for my clothing selection therefore, this is really uncomfortable. I can only wear black, white, and grey to work so that makes it extra challenging. I own quite a few black, white, and grey mini skirts and I hate that I can't get any use out of them in the winter. When you can only wear three colors, you run out of options. Therefore I went to Pinterest, wondering if it would look okay to wear leggings with a mini skirt and I found some cute inspiration.
Here is my Pinspiration:
Pinned Image
And here is my version:
I know mine is no where near as cute as hers, but it counts that I have a cute dog photo bombing my picture, right?  I feel awkward taking pics of myself in a mirror, but that's what you have to do when no one else is home to take it for you :)
Head over to Stephanie & Katie's blogs to check out all the other goodies linked-up. You won't be disappointed.

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