I'm an Okie native, but currently an Arkansan. Newlywed. Hairstylist. Lover of all things creative. Pinterest and blog addict. Wanna-be photographer and wedding planner. Jesus follower. I love meeting new people and I'd love for you to stay a while, read a lot, and follow along. I love discovering new blogs so leave me a comment and I'm thrilled you're here!
We did it! We finished the OKC Half Marathon in 2:18:28. The weather was PERFECT and we survived without any injuries. A much more pleasant experience than last year. I think I'll stick to half marathons from here on out. My knees and calves are a little sore, but nothing I can't stand. I'm excited to continue working out and running right after the race. Last year I couldn't run another mile for about 3 months. It was pretty depressing. I'm going to stay on top of things this year and stay in shape. Here are a few pictures from the day.
Before the race.....still half asleep
After the race
We ran into my best friend, Alli. Didn't even know she was running it. Apparently she didn't either until last night. She's a beast like that and can do these things on any given day when I have to train for months. Not fair. Way to go, Alli!
Thanks to my mom, dad, Aunt Jan, Mary, and John for coming out and cheering us on!
Sunday morning my friend, Sabrina and I will be running in the OKC Memorial Half-Marathon. I'm thankful that this year I'm only doing the half instead of the full. Hopefully, it will be a much more pleasant experience than last year. I'm praying for good weather, but they're predicting rain and possible thunder storms. I'm okay with the rain, just not tornadoes, hail, or sleet. I think it will be a lot of fun this year because I'll be running with a friend. We will have plenty of time to chit chat and take it all in. It's her first time to run in this race so I'm excited to experience it with her. I've really enjoyed training with Sabrina. She has been a great motivator and she pushes me to run faster. There were plenty of early Saturday mornings that I would have slept in, but she made me get out of bed for our long runs. Please pray for nice weather and no injuries. Can't wait!
I'm linking up with Jamie for What I'm Loving Wednesday's.
1. I'm loving that I can now saw I'm 24 years old. Nothing too exciting about 24, but I'm thankful for another year. I had a wonderful birthday. I got to have dinner with my family the day before my birthday, and dinner and a movie with Aaron on my actual birthday. A big thanks to everyone who made my birthday special with texts, calls, and facebook messages. They made my day.
I had to work on my birthday, but my sweet co-worker had a gift waiting for me on my station and my best friend, Alli had a cookie cake delivered to me! Thanks guys, that was really sweet. 2. I love "favorite things" parties. I wanted to do something different for my birthday party this year, something I've never done before. I came upon a "favorite things" party pin on Pinterest and decided that would be a fun idea. Here's how it works: each person brings 5 of their favorite item (all the same item). Then, everyone puts their name in a bowl five times. Each person draws five different names out of the bowl (make sure they don't draw their name or the same person twice). Next, you give each person that drew your name your favorite thing. In the end, every girl goes home with five new things. It was a lot of fun and we got some pretty fun things. Apparently, nail polish is a favorite with my friends. We had a small turnout due to nasty weather in the state, but it was a great group of girls and I'm so glad they all made it despite the bad weather. My best friend from college even drove 2 1/2 hours through bad weather to come....thanks Allie! Very special friends....and my mom and aunt. Love you all!
I thought I'd include pictures of the "favorite things"
-Merlot wine and a cork screw-socks and nail polish-wristlet wallet-nail file and nail polish-panties and bracelets-nail polish, favorite candy bar, and a cute box-wine glass-bath salts and a bracelet-nail polish and Baby Lips tinted lip balm- this is what I brought
Here are a few pics of the storm/tornado that passed through my hometown on Friday the 13th. Thankfully, no one was killed or seriously injured. There was quite a mess from power lines and trees that fell. It was pretty scary, but our house survived without damage and we're all okay. Thank you, Jesus! Praying for those families affected by the tornado in Woodward, OK the following night. Bad weather, please stay away for good. I'm a wee bit scared for storm season this spring/summer.
3. I'm LOVING the new book I got for my birthday. I'm sure some of you have heard about "Bloom", but if you haven't, please check it out. It is so so so so so good. I have yet to pick it up and read it without crying. It's a book written by a blogger named Kelle Hampton. It's about her life as a mother to a little girl with Down Syndrome. You can check out her blog here: http://www.kellehampton.com/
Here's a trailer for her book..watch it because I promise it won't disappoint.
Hope you all are having a wonderful week. Happy Wednesday!!
Like I promised last week, here is Way Back Wednesday with my cousins on my mom's side of the family. My mom's side of the family is huge. I have eleven cousins, plus all their spouses and their kids. It makes for a big group when we're all together at once. Just like my dad's side of the family, they are all extremely important to me and I love them all very much. We are all very spread out so it's really hard to get everyone together at once. Therefore, I couldn't find any pictures of all of us together at once. That will be our goal for the next family gathering...a picture of all the cousins together. I'm sure there's one somewhere, but I couldn't find it. There are some major differences between cousins on my mom's side and cousins on my dad's side. That's what makes it so much fun. My dad's side is very athletic and every cousin was an athlete at some point (good athletes) and almost all of them have coached at some point in their life. However, my mom's side of the family is more artistic and creative. When we get together for gatherings, there is always singing involved (good singing). We would never dare sing with the other side of the family. Just like my dad's side, my cousins on my mom's side are very special to me and I don't know what I'd do without them. I also love their spouses and their precious kids. Once again I am biased, but they are the cutest kids ever. I love every minute I get to spend with my cousins and their families. I just wish we lived closer and could get together more often. Can't wait for the next time we're all together. Enjoy the pics!
Me, Blondell, and Chris Chris, Bo, and Miako
So sweet
The boys
The gang hanging out in my old room.
We look like we're having a blast, huh?
Oh this picture makes me laugh.
The four oldest cousins.
Why so serious?
I'm loving Blondell's overalls. Check out that white hair.
Classic. We are the four youngest cousins.
We love our cousin, Luke
The kids table.
Love this picture. We had some really good times on the trampoline.
Thanks to Kaleigh, I'm not the youngest cousin on this side of the family.
Me and Miako. She is now a Dr. and studied Linguistics. She is amazing at sign language and has interpreted for some pretty famous people...way cool!
Not sure what's on my nose and on the top of my head, but it looks like a unicorn horn or something. Every time I went to Blondell's house I went to her room to play with her massive pom-poms. I loved those things.
I love this picture because there is so much going on....Blondell & Luke loving on Kaleigh and I'm being a turd and sticking my tongue out at Chris.
The boys with their Grandma. *The little boy on the far left is my cousin, Thad. We lost him in a car wreck when he was 13. I know we all can't wait to be reunited with him in Heaven one day. He is our precious guardian angel. I miss him so much!
I hope everyone had a Happy Happy Easter! I had a great day filled with church and brunch with the family, fun on my aunt's farm with all the dogs, and lots of crazy pictures. Here are a few pics recapping our day on the farm.
-We relaxed on the hammock, taking in the beautiful weather
-We got to hold new baby kittens...this was Gracie -My aunts and grandpa holding the five new kittens
-We rode 4-wheelers while our dogs chased us the entire way
-Grandpa and three of his four daughters
-Our golden retrievers swam, swam, and swam some more and then fought over the stick
-Tanner stayed fairly clean and posed pretty for pictures
-Poor Riley got thrown in the pond to see if he enjoyed swimming like the others did, he wasn't too sure about it
-Samson tried to rub all over Aunt Jan and get her wet
-Precious little Charlie dog was my dad's shadow while he was fishing. Charlie loves to fish....it is the cutest thing ever. Can you see her tiny little self walking next to my dad?
-They could have swam and fetched sticks forever
-Crazy cousins taking weird pictures for the fun of it
-Charlie posing with the Easter Bunny
-Trying to come up with creative ways to take pictures with our cousins
-Aunt Jan and her pretty pups
-Decided that hanging from the clothes line would make a funny picture....we are strange
-Treat time!
-Blondell loving on Tucker
-Me and my cousin Lukey
-Blondell and her pups
-There were a few standoffs between horse and dog....the dogs sure thought they had a powerful bark, but the horses weren't liking it. My dog came way too close to getting kicked in the head by a horse.
Hope your Easter was as fun as mine! Have a blessed week!
I'm an Okie native, but currently an Arkansan. Newlywed. Hairstylist. Lover of all things creative. Pinterest and blog addict. Wanna-be photographer and wedding planner. Jesus follower. I love meeting new people and I'd love for you to stay a while, read a lot, and follow along. I love discovering new blogs so leave me a comment and I'm thrilled you're here!